Saturday morning: early!

We marked Rowan's birthday with a trip to London to see The Feeling, with brother and sister-in-law Dave and Shelley. It was a fantastic gig, an open-air spectacular in the courtyard of Somerset House. I'll resist the temptation to give you more lyrics-inspired wisdom but will confess that seeing the Union Jack flying high on the House behind the stage did cause a moment of emotion. I did catch myself pondering how happy I'd be losing my British/English identity. I guess I'll have to let you know on that one!

This morning we have people being shown round the house - prospective tenants. That meant no lay-in; get up early to finish yesterday's late-night cleaning and tidying. Down time is definitely at a premium at the moment, not that life has ever been particularly slow round here! But before we know it we'll be in a van driving across Europe. The next month-and-a-half pans out as a week of this, a week of that, a week of this, a week of this, a couple of weeks of that, a week of this and we're off! And with that I'll end this rambling post and grab some breakfast.


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