I wonder what they think of this?

I'm munching on what appears to be a plastic replica of a Jaffa cake but I'll resist the temptation to type another food related blog. Instead I should report the good news that we signed a contract on an apartment today. This has been some time coming. We don't move till next week but this is another step in the right direction. When they say 'let patience have its perfect work' it's all to easy to equate patience to hanging on an hour or two. We're learning that an hour or two is nothing. Again, they say 'it is better to travel hopefully than to arrive' and I can see that if you live only for the destination there might not be a lot of living going on.

I love the movie Elizabethtown. In it there's phone conversation where one the main characters asks the other 'I've always wondered this: who are they?' The same question could be posed in this post. In the first instance they is James, the no-nonsense letter-writer from the Bible. He goes on to say '...that ye may be perfect and entire, lacking in nothing.' Patience doesn't just bring us prize for being good but works good in us. The other they turns out to be Robert Louis Stevenson. 'Little do ye know your own blessedness; for to travel hopefully is a better thing than to arrive, and the true success is to labour.' I'll confess I'd not read this before and I like it more for the context. Somehow I think James would probably approve too!


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