On the roads

So I'm driving here now. Today was my first time going solo. It wasn't quite fully-fledged freedom of the roads as I was following Claire in one of the other Novi Most combis, but I was on my own in my vehicle. We drove about twenty minutes out of town to leave one combi at a garage for servicing. That was the VW I drove out. I drove the Toyota on the way back. It really has seen better days. However, I managed to navigate my way around the vagaries of its gearbox and drive in a way the accommodated its painful lack of power. It wasn’t quite as bad as I’d been lead to believe, but it was close!

Half the roads around Mostar appear to be being resurfaced, or should I say they have been prepared for resurfacing. The scraped surface leaves drain covers protruding as unpleasant wheel-deforming devices. No, I didn't hit any! Potholes and other severe surface undulations, however, are almost unavoidable so it's often the case of literally having to take the rough with the smooth. But do it all with your headlights on or you'll definitely been flagged down and fined. I spotted almost a dozen Police officers on our short round trip, but my lights were on! We're getting pretty orientated to tackling Mostar on foot; now my task is to be as confident navigationally from behind the wheel.


I don't know what they are doing with the roads - but up here in Tuzla they are all being resurfaced as well. This works well when you have 2 small children who think diggers are the best things that have ever happened. At least you don't have the M25 cone nightmare. I quite like driving with he headlights on and you are also supposed to carry a spare pair of glasses with you (if you wear them) as well as the triangle, flourescent jacket etc. that you need if you are driving in France. Apparently you also need child seats and can't use your mobile but you'd never know that looking at the Bosnian drivers! Thanks for comment on britsinbosnia - I think your Brit in Bosnia has been in contact, fingers crossed we'll meet for a coffee soon.

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