Christmas is coming...slowly!

I have a reputation among some of my friends as being a bit of a Scrooge when it comes to Christmas. Back in England, where the festive season stretches over several months it’s harder to hide. Here, not only is the season significantly shorter but half the people I know have no emotional connection to the festivities. With less than two weeks to go decorations are just becoming more obvious in shops and there are lights up in the streets. There is a notable absence of the soundtrack usually underscoring the UK Christmas. We were in a shopping centre today which was playing the amusingly, pertinently titled U2 album, All That You Can’t Leave Behind. The excesses of the western, consumer Christmas are something I’m more than happy to walk away from.


Couldn't agree more - great not to see decorations and fake Santas until half way through December. But, I am starting to miss English carols and mince pies and I'm a bit sad that there's no nativity play for my kids to get involved in at nursery and despite having one in our garden, we couldn't find a real tree for love nor money. At least we have a fighting chance of some snow on Christmas day though! Enjoy your Christmas season.
David said…
It's snowing here now, a little. I'm excited because we'll pick Leah up at the airport in 12 hours! I doubt she mentioned it, but her grandparents raised Christmas trees for about 25 years. At the peak they sold about 1,000 each year. Now both we and they have artificial trees! Have a blessed Christmas, everyone.

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