Our first TV appearance here!

This morning we walked into Klub and were greeted by the words ‘I saw you on TV last night!’ We did not make so much of a ‘walk on’ appearance as a ‘walk by’ one. Yesterday morning we visited OKC Abrašević, a youth cultural centre in Mostar. During part of our tour around we saw the director of their media centre standing in front of a camera. It seems that camera was rolling as we scurried across behind him.

And so we graced TV screens around the Mostar area, for it was part of a news broadcast on the local channel, for the first time. Who knows if and when we’ll make a return appearance. We could speculate on what circumstances but previous experience indicates it’s like to occur spontaneously and unexpectedly. But perhaps next time we will actually appear and not just be walking across the back of the shot!


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