Everything You've Done

You're watching our opening song from the concert at Klub Novi Most on Thursday night. The video of the rest of our set will leak online during the course of this week. If you want to sing along then here are the words - enjoy!

this is better than i thought it could be
your love’s amazing
you’ve forgiven me
this is something that i’ve never known
life just gets better
i know that i’ve come home

the bar is higher than i thought it could be
but then you’ve promised
trust and you’ll succeed
there may be struggles but the victory’s won
you know the ending
i know that i’ve come home

how could i ever thank you
what could i give back to you
nothing i have comes close to
everything you’ve done

what can i say of all you’ve given to me
a life that’s priceless
yet you give it for free
once just dream but now i call it my own
i’m in the family
i know that i’ve come home

how could i ever thank you
what could i give back to you
nothing i have comes close to
everything you’ve done

what could i give back you?
what could i give back you?
what could i give back you?
what could i give back you?

how could i ever thank you
what could i give back to you
nothing i have comes close to
everything you’ve done

(Words & Music Copyright © 2004/2009 Matt Hellyer)


Anonymous said…
Well done! Great to see, to read, to hear.
HellyersOnline said…
cool vid... nice to see. I recall the 2004 version quite well... but it's nice to see it spiced up with a touch of "ned's atomic dustbin".

Good stuff

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