Climate change?

I don’t really want to write about the weather, it seems like such a cop out, but I will. What’s convinced me is the sorry situation I found myself in this afternoon. Ben’s family are visiting from Wales and as Ben doesn’t drive (it’s probably more accurate to say he doesn’t have a licence) I offered to play taxi for a spot of local sightseeing. So it was I ended up at Blagai in the pouring rain! Up at the source of the Buna water was gushing out of the cliff face at such a rate it was within an inch of overrunning the riverside cafes.

As we sat huddled around some hot drinks I noticed I could see my breath. Ben’s younger brother started shivering and it wasn’t long before he was wrapped up in his sister’s spare cardigan. For Ben and I a freak week of bad weather in June isn’t too much to grumble about, even if we have been told, repeatedly, that there’s no rain in Mostar in the summer months. However you have to feel for his family who’ve flown in expecting a summer break. Not only are they having to deal with Mostar’s waterlogged streets but also with texts about the freak weather back at home in Wales. It’s dry, sunny and 25degress there. Somehow it all seems terribly unjust!


I feel the same. Left Bosnia in late April just as it was starting to warm up to arrive in a cold and wet UK. Tuzla has a month of sunshine, Britain chucks it down.Leave the UK on Sunday morning having had 2 days of the most perfect weather (which they are STILL having) to come back to a very wet and cold Tuzla and it is predicted to carry on doing this until SATURDAY. I'm going home for some sun. Hope they enjoy the rest of their holiday - and get some sun!
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