The Land of Contradictions

I don't want to say to much about this. If you're a regular reader you probably know what my comments would be anyway. I do want to say I took this photograph this afternoon in Mostar. I did Photoshop it - I cropped it slightly, adjusted the colour levels a bit and changed the digits on the licence plate - that's all!

The vehicle, should you not recognise it, is a Cadillac Escalade EXT]

This, then, is my photo essay: The Land of Contradictions.


Anonymous said…
American car. Skip. I only see symmetry.
David said…
It could have been taken many places in America, as well.

By the way, thank you very much for taking care of our girl this week! I'm glad she made it back to Mostar safely. Really looking forward to visiting in a few months and meeting you both in person. If Rowan would be willing to loan her bass, I'd love to play with your band while I'm there.

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