A song and dance or two...

You'll spot maybe half a dozen umbrellas in this video, if you watch closely enough. What you won't see is any footage of the two enormous thunder storms that sought to disrupt last Thursday afternoon's performances. The first of these storms was freakishly heavy, with a healthy dose of hail mixed in with the torrential rain. It came on so hard and fast that, despite being under cover, our PA desk looked like it had just take a shower. The area where you see people dancing was a lake just half an hour before some of this footage was filmed.

What this video does show is young people getting up to perform in front of their peers and their community, a few of them for the very first time. (All the musicians attend Novi Most music courses with me or Budo.) You'll also see some of the organisers, and the Director of Novi Most, enjoying a moment of madness as rain-stopped-play once again. The final performances happened inside, although in the rush of re-rigging the PA yet again very little of this was captured on video. Of what was, I'd have liked to include a clip of Katie and I performing Handbags and Gladrags but I know she wouldn't thank me for that. So you'll just have to imagine the song: acoustic guitar, oboe and me straining for the high notes. Very rock'n'roll!    


Unknown said…
hahaha...you can post the video of us playing if you like. I have got over the initial embarrassment. though it would be wonderful if you could delete the big squeek at the beginning!!! however maybe i should just embrace the rough n readiness of the first performance...

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