Make The Most

By now friends and followers of this blog who like the Novi Most Facebook page will be well aware that the organisation is making the most of the opportunity afforded by social media to get the word out. This is important. We who are involved in the work know it's needed, and appreciated, work that's making a difference. However we also know that if we don't explain that whats and the whys of it the details can be hard to second guess from the other side of Europe, less so from even father afield.

That's the idea behind the series of short videos Novi Most is releasing: concise presentations of the issues affecting young people in Bosnia and Herzegovina and what Novi Most is doing in response. Having worked on putting these, and the accompanying photos, together it's good to seem them being shared and commented on online. Social media provides a great opportunity to share a story at the click of a button. We want to make the most of this opportunity. But we are also only too aware the struggles of young people growing up in Bosnia and Herzegovina will not solved at the click of a button. That's why making the most of our opportunity to help these young people is important. We owe a big thanks to all of you whose support makes this possible.


Katie said…
very very impressed by the new videos! creative approach. congrats!
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